Tuesday, December 14

What's Cooking

During the last class of teen wheel we baked sugar cookies in the test kiln. I have always wanted to roll out dough in the studio slab roller for cut out cookies. I used silicone baking liners to sandwich the dough before steam rolling it as thin as possible. They then cooked two at a time on a sheet of parchment. The kiln seemed to only cook the top surface which turned brown and crisp but very gooey underneath. Some we flipped over to cook the other side and some we took our chances and just ate raw.

I think next session we'll go back to making s'mores. The marshmallows get obscenely large in the kiln and I miss the chocolate!  Sign up for class at 171 Cedar Arts.  We start up again on January 3rd for 7 weeks of sculpting mayhem.
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Tuesday, December 7

Sticker Risks

For weeks I have been in overdrive producing Christmas wares. Every time I enter this zone of mass production or hyper output my mind wanders and I actually become more creative.  Just today, while shopping at Big Lots the creative force lured me into the craft aisle where what to my wondering eyes do appear but Thickers, thick stickers. They remind me of the puffy stickers from my youth. I had a whole sheet of Ziggy stickers with quote bubbles. Ziggy is a little like Dilbert and Maxine. He's definitely got a chip.  By the way I also purchased Thickers in chip board and foil covered chipboard as shown.

I am going to attempt to use them with clay. If you have seen my pottery each piece is quite unique in part due to my creative A.D.D.  It is impossible for me to let myself make the same thing twice. I need to learn something new each time I make a piece or I get bored.  And if I am bored chances are you will be too.

So we'll see what comes of my new tools.  I can add them to a plaster mold before I cast it with a soft slab or lay out a design to impress on a flattened slab before constructing it into a cylinder to create the body of a mug or vase. The decorative corner pieces are going to become feet for my square dishes. Oh, if only I had bought another package I could use them on my hexagonal and octagonal dishes as well. Yikes, I may have to go back to the store which means I may find more toys to play with.

I'll try real hard to focus and keep to my studio for the next couple of days.

Thursday, December 2

Needs More Cow Bell

It's nice to be back in the studio after the holiday break. I actually got an early Christmas gift (or a late birthday present). I have been rockin out all morning to Pandora on my new Sony Dash. It came yesterday in the mail and my husband and I stayed up late creating different stations.

I'm a little disappointed with my Eye of the Tiger Station. I was counting on it to wake me up and get me moving in the studio. It's one of my favorite tunes on Just Dance. For those of you who play my high score is 11,476. That song is a huge confidence booster and a great warm up (the dance version) when I get a little chilled in my subterranean studio. I frequently take warm up breaks making a cup of tea, checking email or playing Wii. However, I skipped so many of the preselected Pandora tunes that I ran out of skips. It kept playing John Lee Hooker type songs. Go figure. I was sure to thumbs up my favorite tunes, Police, Foreigner, Guns n'Roses, then I noticed how much I really like the cow bell.  I wish there was a way to create a station around this instrument. It is perfect for getting in the decorating rhythm. And I was doing a lot of decorating this morning. My shelves are filling up fast for another pre- Christmas firing but not quite as fast as if I had more cow bell.  Now I know what to ask Santa for!
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