Sunday, November 15

Kiln vs. Furnace

I lost.  Surely the Olympic Oval Kiln Model No. 2527 with max. 2300 degrees firing capacity and programmable computer could just as efficiently heat our modest home as our new Ducane Furnace.  The Federal Tax Credit and the rebate from NYSEG save us a lot of money but put my plans on hold a while longer.

My daughter also reminded me we NEED to go to Florida for Auntie's wedding in April before I may buy a kiln.

The upside is that the new duct work in the basement will provide more head clearance when and if I do begin working down there.

Wednesday, November 4

New Gallery

Handwork Gallery in Ithaca, New York is an artist owned cooperative of which I have recently been approved for membership.  All high quality handmade goods, pottery, stained glass, knits, jewelry, watercolors, weavings,  wood work and more. Convenient location too, just off the commons on State Street.

I am looking forward to selling lots, meeting the other member artists and getting out of Elmira twice per month.  Actually, my first day in the store I sold two of my own pieces. What a thrill!  Not to mention I'm learning retail and picking up some real job skills.

Tuesday, November 3

A Better Way to Wax

Discovered a better way to wax. As I combine more decorating effects I've had to create a wax boundary between hand painted elements and the dipped glaze. The peony flowers on these vases were painted with clay slip and under glaze when the vessel was still green or leather hard. The petals have a dimensional texture that was created by impressing into the wet slab while it was flat. The clay is then rolled into a cylinder and more volume is given to the flower head with gentle pressure from the inside out. The decorative trim at the bottom employs wax to resist areas of glaze.

That reminds me I should try to find a source for Forbes wax. It is different than the wax I use pre-firing. Thinner in consistency and very fluid for brushing on bisqued clay. Currently, there is a half full jug at the arts center.
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