Friday, April 13

Studio Grand Opening

Spring is blossoming early all around us as it does year round in my cozy new studio.  I began carving out a work space in the basement with the unpacking of 20 some life-size sculptures.  Some of you may remember that event when my smallish urban back yard garden was filled with elegant statuary.  

In the fall of 2010 after much cleaning (flood of '72) two walls went up along with new basement windows, ten new outlets and six light fixtures.  The space was very raw for the last Elmira Open Studio Tour.  I still was working between the Elmira College Studio and 171 Cedar Arts Center to get work fired and glazed.  

The following winter I drove back from Boston in a blizzard with a kiln a dear friend of mine scouted out. Shortly thereafter a real floor was installed, faux wood linoleum.  My dad put in a ten foot counter top with cabinets and task lighting during a summer visit.  In mid-January he put up a mini wall and door between the kiln room and work space.  At last we insulated using the rigid foam board from all of those card board crates I dismantled long ago.  Now the studio is warm and pleasant.  I do miss my mid-morning workout playing Just Dance Abba to unthaw. 

The Grand Opening is scheduled for my birthday, Sunday, April 29th from 1-5pm.  Come join me for cookie cake if you are so lucky to be in or near Elmira.

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